This was supposed to be a longer ride, but the weather radar said heavy showers moving in. As a result, we went in more of […]
All Errander
A short trip down a favorite trail proved that it is still way too soggy for the GSPD. So, off to tackle a few errands. […]
Road Sweeping
It is April, and finally the temperatures feel like spring. However, the state of the roads still feels like the aftermath of winter. Huge craters […]
5:45am Middlebury, VT The tii starts easily as if it is as glad to see the new day as I am. It is covered in dew. […]
New Beginnings
This is the way to start a new year. Beautiful blue sky with not a cloud to be seen. It has become something of a […]
The Pre-Hibernation Ritual
Right before animals in the wild go into hibernation, there is a heightened period of activity for preparation. There is a flurry of gathering of […]
This outing was covered more fully in the main blog (see the Pre-Hibernation Ritual). This machine never disappoints. It starts without fail, runs like a […]
Carb Conundrum
Off-idle response had never been great, but after sitting for a few months, it had worsened a good deal. It started fine, was fine at […]
Out and About
It took no time at all to sort out the few items the Sachs needed. A fuel flow issue was preventing it from going beyond […]
A nice fall day and the condor getsa good long run to pickup some parts. The long way home goes through a state park, and […]
A Sunday breakfast was a good opportunity to take a long drive with the car. It idles and runs well, and the 13 inch wheels […]
Das Motorrad Vintage Ride
What kind of a crazy gathering has both a 1958 BMW R60 and a Ducati 1198 Panigale lining up to start? What kind of eclectic […]
Cool Runnings
This morning was pretty cool and perfect for the R60. Somehow, the fall weather suits the air-cooled engine and this machine in particular wants to […]
Military Pickup
I am pretty sure that the Swiss army never envisioned the Condor going to pick up lawn treatment supplies in America. However, it was built […]
Hermy\’s House Is Open
A lovely fall day is always a good excuse to ride. If the destination is a throwback BMW dealership, then you have a bonus situation. […]
Some commuter duty has been building a few miles. Perfectly capable, but it feels like a waste of the Heidenaus….
Amish Afternoon
This was an after-work ride through the heart of Amish country. The buggies, bicycles, and scooters were numerous, but the ride through a good chunk […]
Back to Frenchtown
It seems like a long time since the Targa has been out, but that is not quite accurate. The blog is missing some outings. On […]
The Breakfast Caper
Well it was supposed to be a relatively short jaunt to a favorite breakfast spot. A perfect morning for a ride. However, the place was […]