So there I was driving along a country road when BAM!! it hit me….The key to understanding mankind. In the quest to more fully understand […]
Vehicular Diplomacy
Turns out that those who are passionate about things with a motor and some wheels are as diverse as humanity itself. It also seems that […]
Shouldn’t we be further ahead by now ?
A visit to the Larz Anderson Automotive Museum Being in Boston with a few hours to spare, I went to visit the Larz Anderson Museum. […]
Finally, the parts and training I need, close to home
Porsche NA has opened up a new parts and training facility for the northeast just up the road in eastern PA. They tout it as […]
On Differentiated Licensure and Future Technology…
When I am in charge, drivers licenses and vehicles will be differentiated so that lanes on the highway and even non-highway routes of travel are […]
The Theory of Concentric Circles
When being predisposed toward vehicles of an ancient era, there are a number of critical theories and methodologies to develop and utilize so as to […]
Bentley blows by but begets blues
So there I was, lounging in the slow lane of a two-lane highway at 80mph when a Beautiful British racing green Bentley blows my doors […]
A Record Run
So there I was, covering great distances relative to the time when it occurred to me that the record was within reach. And the sad […]
Why Harley riders now wave
It suddenly ocurred to be last Sunday on a ride that an amazing array of riders now initiate the wave or wave back. I wave […]
I hate it when a plan comes together
Don’t you just hate it when your exquisite taste in vehicles matches the current fashion trend? Right now late 60s and early 70s stuff is […]
Stimulus for the Sensory Deprived
I just don’t get it. In order to stimulate the economy, the people need to spend money and feel good about it, just like in […]