It had been a while since the R60 had logged some road miles. This sunny fall day had started out with a plan to get a few different machines out for a short loop. However, a road called valley view beckoned, and the R60 helped to discover yet another twisty mountain road. It was a perfect medium speed ascent on shaded roads with a few hairpins thrown in for good measure. Vehicles were few and far between, although it did include a Subaru who looked like he was making an attempt on the Pikes Peak record.

Eventually, the road transitioned to a descent which was just as entertaining. The road ended some miles later in a known rural artery that carried me back into town and back to the garage. It was then that I discovered that I had completed the entire ride without a license plate!! Somehow when replacing the tail light lens, I had neglected to put the plate back on. Good Karma obviously helped me to ride around for a few hours in and out of town without incident…..

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