It had been a long time since the tribe gathered at the traditional summer breakfast spot along the river. The impending end of the driving season caused our fearless convener and keeper of the flame, Monde, to shame us all into showing up and driving the cars. Good thing he did. However, as the normal flow of O Gruppe machines rolled in, several cars from another German marque intertwined themselves amongst the others. A beautiful 3.0CS, a 2002, and a 2800CS. These invaders were almost as strong in force as the Porsches. Fortunately, drivers emerged from their vehicles revealing regular members of the P-Car tribe. Traitors ? Marquerious ? Would hostilities break out ?
No, this group is well known for having a well-rounded appreciation for fine vintage iron of all stripes. There are known owners of Alfas, and air-cooled motorcycles among them. Heck, they even complimented a vintage Ford Ranchero driving by. Breakfast involved much catching up and swapping of smartphone pictures, and consumption of eggs. The gathering spilled out into the cold for a good while as cars were admired and parts were swapped, and projects for spring were contemplated. Stuttgart forgave the sins of Munich and vice versa. As one attendee aptly said, Its about the people….