Once riding season begins, the posts fall behind a bit. The annual visit to Oley for the AMCA swap meet took place in April. It is always a good excuse to ride (see Oleyonics), and never fails to entertain. 2016 continued the streak. There is always something German for sale despite this being a predominantly antique American meet. This year there was an Adler and an Imme in addition to several BMWs. There are also plenty of vintage Japanese machines scattered about, which adds to the sense that they are becoming much more popular among restorers. As usual, Excelsior machines had a healthy presence, and looked cool with their inline 4 engine layout. In the “never seen one of those before” category was a 1950s Puma motorcycle manufactured in Argentina, and a some interesting Harley Davidson variants such as the cool Sport Legerro from the late 1960s. We all noticed what seemed like a dramatic reduction in British bikes and parts at the event. A few Triumphs, and a few BSAs were about the extent of it. Quite the contrast to the Gathering of the Nortons a week prior. There was nothing on the Velocity shopping list this year, just a chance to walk around and marvel at the machines and their owners….

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2 Replies to “Oley 2016”

  1. That Leggero is actually an H-D/Aermacchi, not really all that rare, in fact I bought a Leggero Sport NOS seat to put on my H-D/Aermacchi Sprint 250SS custom. Plenty of history with the Harley Aermacchi partnership, then Cagiva.

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