Gritzner can trace its beginnings to 1872, when they joined a large number of manufacturers jumping into the production of sewing machines. They followed a common progression of expanding into other industrial equipment such as pumps and steam engines while surviving a fire which destroyed the factory in 1881. In the waning years of the 19th century they added bicycles and then eventually motorcycles in 1903. The initial motorcycles were 4 stroke machines powered by Fafnir engines.

Sales were steady, but WWI halted development. production resumed after the war, and in 1931 Gritzner merged with another bicycle and sewing machine manufacturer to become Gritzner-Kayser AG. War again halted civilian development, and Gritzner emerged producing small machines and mopeds during the rebuilding period. These new machines now used Fichtel &Sachs engines.

In 1955, fire again destroyed the sewing machine plant, and this blow allowed sewing machine rival Pfaff to acquire Gritzner. However, this was not the end of motorcycle production. Gritzner-Pfaff continued to produce small machines for the home market. In 1958, they took over the Mars designs (see Discovering Mars) as that company went out of business. Using these elegant designs, they produced Monza and Milano models, which were powered by Ilo, and Sachs engines. In particular, the Monza Supersport moped and others are sought after even today.