The air is crisp (read cold), the skies are blue with cotton ball clouds scattered about, days of rain have washed the salt and sand from the road (at least the middle of it), and you are itching to ride. Oh yeah, and there is a classic bike show 50 miles away. Nuff Said. The R90S was off the trickle charger and the tires were checked. Low in the front, ok in the rear. It was at this point that I remembered that the bike needed tires last fall, and I committed to tackling that over the winter. Well maybe over the early spring… The bike usually takes a couple of tries to get started and this time was no different. It catches and sputters the first two times and then starts and fires.
It was great to have it out on the road again. I took a circuitous route to the event and discovered quickly that the sand/gravel was not clear in the corners on many of the back roads. This was no time to test lean angles, just in case the state of the tires was not enough to deter me. Still, being out in the fresh air and on a motorcycle was just what the doctor ordered for both man and machine.
The event included a pristine example of an R90S from the collection of Mac Kirkpatrick of R90S Rally fame. It was a nice ride to a great event (see Classic Winter Break), and a great opportunity to get the bike some exercise.
Nothing like riding your classic R90S to a Vintage Show. Beautiful bike……just beautiful !